Russellville Restaurant Directory

Help us build a Russellville restaurant directory. This restaurant directory would be a great tool for visitors who are looking for a great place to eat as well as for locals looking to try something new. If you are a restaurant owner, please register and login to add a restaurant to this page. thanks!

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A bakery is a shop that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, donuts, pastries, and pies. Browse through our list of bakeries listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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BBQ is a term used to describe various cooking methods that use live fire and smoke to cook the food. Russellville has several great places to enjoy Bar-B-Que. Browse through our various restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Rollin Smoke Custom BBQ
Big Poppa’s 2Big Poppa’s 2
Ridgewood Brothers BBQ
Fat Daddy's Bar-B-Que
Open Now


A bar and grill is a place where food and alcoholic drinks are served to customers. Russellville has a few bar and grill restaurants. Browse through our various restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Old South Restaurant
The Old Bank


A buffet is a self-serve restaurant in which the customer pays a fixed price and is entitled to select as much food as he or she wishes and is usually associated with “all you can eat”. Browse through our various restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Western Sizzlin
Brown's Catfish


A hamburger, or burger, is a sandwich consisting of a patty of ground meat or other meat option with other veggies, inside a sliced bun or bread roll. Russellville has a variety of burger joints to enjoy many types of burgers. Browse through our various restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Western Sizzlin
Stobys Restaurant Russellville
Open Now


Chinese cuisine encompasses the numerous cuisines originating mostly from China, as well as cuisine created by Chinese immigrants. Browse through our various Chinese restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Coffee is a deep rich full flavored drink filled with nutrients, but also a good amount of caffeine. Americans have fallen in love with this rich and delicious drink. Browse through our various coffee shops listed here or if you know of a coffee shop that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Desserts are those sweet tasty yummy treats that usually had after the main meal, but now can be enjoyed any time of the day or night. Browse through our various local treat shops listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Diners are typically small and inexpensive restaurants found across the United States, as well as in Canada and and even in parts of Western Europe. Diners offer a wide range of foods, mostly American cuisine, with a casual atmosphere. Browse through our various local diners listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1
Stobys Restaurant Russellville
Open Now


Fast casual restaurants offer the convenience of fast food without the full service of fine dining. Enjoy sit-down ambiance, with faster food options. Browse through our various fast casual restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1
Stobys Restaurant Russellville
Open Now


Fast food is a type of mass-produced food designed for commercial resale and high demand food choices, like burgers, fries, chicken nuggets and drinks. Browse through our various fast food restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Nona Bella Pizzeria
Open Now


Mexican cuisine consists of the cooking cuisines and traditions of the modern country of Mexico. Today’s food staples native to Mexico include corn, turkey, beans, squash, chili pepper & more. Browse through our various Mexican restaurants listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Showing 1 - 1 of 1
Stobys Restaurant Russellville
Open Now


A food truck is a motorized vehicle or trailer, equipped to cook, prepare, serve and sell unique food options that you can’t find in a typical sit down restaurant. Browse through our various food trucks listed here or if you know of a restaurant that’s not listed in this section, please REGISTER and LOGIN so you can add a restaurant to this list.

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Western Sizzlin